Api Convention Reference

This documentation explains the various standards and conventions used for implementing mmadu web services.

1. HTTP Response Codes

Mmmadu Api’s follow Http response standards. Some of them are itemized below:

Table 1. HTTP Response Codes for Mmadu Services
Response Code Description

200 OK

Successful With Response Body


Successful creation of resource.


Successful, Response is empty


Invalid Input Arguments


System Error

2. Authorization

All Mmadu services use an instance of Mmadu Identity as an authorization provider (yes, including mmadu identity itself). Domain with id 0 is configured for Mmadu Operations and it contains all resources needed for Mmadu services to function properly.

Deleting Domain 0 will have serious consequences. Seriously don’t.

At set up of a Mmadu Instance, the identity provider provisions an admin client with id and secret configured using the environment variables MMADU_ADMIN_CLIENT and MMADU_ADMIN_SECRET, or the configuration property mmmadu.admin.client and mmadu.admin.secret.

This client has ultimate authorities and should only be used sparingly. It is advisable that this client be used to create other clients with streamlined authorities.

In order to access the API’s, take the following steps:

  1. Create a Client ID and Secret with the appropriate authorities (we will hear more about authorities in the next section).

  2. Using the client credentials token endpoint, request for a token. Hear we call the POST /clients/token api with basic authentication using your client identifier and secret as shown below.

POST /clients/token HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:15553
Authorization: Basic bXkuYXBwLmFkbWluOjEyMzQ1Njc4OTA=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  1. An access_token will be returned which you can now use to access protected resources. The authorities embedded in the access_token are those you set in the authorities property of your ClientInstance.

To to access Mmadu Resource Api’s you need to use a client created at the mmadu domain (domain 0).

3. Roles and Authorities

All Mmadu resources are protected by authorities. At startup, Mmadu user service creates one role called r.super_admin and associates it with one authority called a.*.**.

Mmadu uses a names-pacing strategy for authorities. The first segment is the resource, while the second, and subsequent segments represents sub resources. For example, the user.read authority signifies that it is a read permission for user resources. Roles are prefixed with r. while authorities are prefixed with a..

Mmadu uses an ant-style matching system to determine if a user has a specific authority, so the authority a.*.** represents an absolute authority as it matches all authorities.

An authority specifier is made up of three segments: . The first is the prefix a. stating that it is an authority. . The second segment represents the domain id. So a.1.*.** represents an ultimate authority for resources in domain . . The third segment represents the resource itself i.e. `user, group, client, e.t.c.

The ant-style matching is a grouping mechanism which enables us to arrange authorities in hierarchies and group them. This ensures that users with admin level authorities do not have large security tokens. In this system, an authority of a.*.user.* means all user resources accross all domains

In addition to one role and one authority created in Domain 0 (for Mmadu, don’t you ever forget). Admins are free to create more roles and authorities and assign to users. Assigning user specific fine grained roles and authorities enables the administrator fine tune which user has access to specific aspects of Mmadu resources.

For example, if I want a member of my staff to handle third party client registration for a domain with id app, I perform the following task:

  1. Create a User in Domain 0.

  2. Create an two authorities a.app.client.create and a.app.client_instance.create.

  3. Create a Role r.app.client_manager assign to the authorities above.

  4. Assign the newly created role to the User.

With this, the staff will only be able to create clients and client instances in app domain. If I want another user to have full access to client and client instances, I simply create two authorities a.app.client.* and a.app.client_instance.*.

4. Creating Applications to Integrate with Mmadu Services

Having understood the nature of the authorities, you can create client instances to integrate with Mmadu Services. Take the following steps:

  1. Create a Client

  2. Create a Client Instance with the appropriate authorities needed (use ant patterns if possible).

  3. Get obtain an access token as described in Authorization.

Go through the Mmadu Identity Reference for more information about how to create clients and client instances.

In the subsequent documentations, all operations will include the authority required to access them.